Friday, August 12, 2011


The first full day in Tallinn has proven to be very busy!  The team woke up early to practice at the Estonian Exhibition Hall, a short drive away from the hotel.  It was a nice chance to move around after such a long time traveling in tight quarters.  Practice went well as the team got back into the swing of things physically and mentally.  Following practice, taxis took the team back to the hotel for a quick shower and lunch at the hotel.

After a good meal, the guys had the opportunity to meet with the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  The presentation covered a vast amount of Estonian history.  We started learning about the people that first came to this land nearly 5000 years ago, and moved on to discuss many of the different periods of time that Estonia bounced between being an independent nation, and being under the control of another group.  Lastly, the team got to hear about some of the current issues with the European Union and NATO, two organizations that Estonia is a member of.  This meeting was also an outstanding way to learn about why Estonians have such a love for their country, and their independence.

The US Embassy was next on the schedule.  It was an interesting experience to be on "US Soil" in a foreign country.  The team was lucky enough to meet with Ambassador Polt, who talked a lot about the purpose of an Embassy, and things that he and the rest of the Embassy staff deal with on a daily basis.  We also were able to see a presentation on the history of U.S. and Estonian relations.  With the rest of the afternoon open for free time, on the walk back to the hotel some of the team took advantage of the opportunity to visit Sass' home.  They were impressed with the location and the built-in sauna, an Estonian tradition that we will get to experience later on in our trip.  Thanks to Sass and Juri, his father, for the tour!

To conclude the day Harry Huge organized a dinner party for the team to meet some of the most influential Estonians he has had the pleasure of interacting with.  The team was split up at different tables and was able to interact with people that were instrumental in the independence of Estonia, while enjoying an outstanding meal.  It was an amazing opportunity for the guys to meet people of such importance and stature, and was much appreciated by all involved.
-Andy Schweitzer ('12)

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